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Attention! Before using and its software tools, please read our user agreement carefully.
Registration (login) on our site means your agreement with the terms and conditions set forth in this user agreement.
If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, please refrain from registering (logging in) on the site and from using its software tools.
Version for July 18, 2024.
LALIUS CO LTD, on the one hand, and the natural person who has accepted the offer posted on the Internet at the permanent address, on the other hand, have concluded this user agreement.
Unless expressly stated otherwise in the text, terms used in this User Agreement shall be construed as follows:
"Steam", "Steam Service" means the online service offered by Valve Corporation, which owns the rights to the Inventory items.
"Owner" means LALIUS CO LTD, a legal entity incorporated under the laws of the Republic of San Marino, company registration number: HE 462975, having an address at Vasili Michailidi 9, 3026, Limassol, Republic of Cyprus.
"Inventory" - the ability to use one of the items listed in the Case in accordance with the Steam Subscriber Agreement, available online at:
"Cabinet" - a set of secure pages of the Website, created after the User's registration, allowing the User to use all or certain functionalities of the Website.
Access to the Personal Cabinet is provided by performing the following actions:
Clicking on the "Login via Steam" button on the Site, after which the User is automatically redirected to the site at:
Entering the Steam user (subscriber) name and password into the specified form and clicking the "Login" button located at:
Or by direct access to the Site, in case the User has not previously logged out of his/her Personal Area by clicking the "Logout" button.
"User" - a natural person who has a Steam account and has agreed with the Owner of the Terms and Conditions.
"Site" - a composite work, which is a set of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photos, video, software and other results of intellectual activity, except for the Inventory, placed in an information system that ensures the availability of such information on the Internet in the domain zone
"Agreement" - this user agreement.
"Parties" - Owner and User.
Any other terms and definitions contained in the Agreement shall be interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and the conventions established on the Internet for the interpretation of the relevant terms.
The headings (articles) of the Agreement are intended solely for ease of navigation through the text and have no literal legal meaning.
The text of the Agreement, permanently posted on the Internet at the network address and available upon registration (authorization) on the site, contains all the material terms of the Agreement and is an offer of the Owner to any fully competent third party using the Site, on the terms specified in the text of the Agreement. Thus, this text of the Agreement is a public offer under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus.
The proper acceptance of this offer shall be deemed to be the successive performance by the third party of the following actions:
The Owner shall provide to the User:
The license specified in Section 3.1.1 of the Agreement is granted to the User for the term and within the territory in which the Site and the Personal Account remain available to the User.
The License specified in Section 3.1.2 of the Agreement is granted to the User within the territory in which the Case remains available to the User, from the moment the User pays for the use of a particular Case until the moment the Inventory is determined using such Case.
Through the Site, the User may:
Through the Case, the User may obtain one of the Inventory presented on the page containing the Case.
From the moment of receipt of the Inventory through the Case and its display in myAlpari, the User has 1 (one) hour to accept the Inventory on his Steam account or transfer the Inventory through myAlpari.
Acceptance of the Inventory on the Steam account depends on the User's compliance with the settings specified on the Site and in myAlpari for the Steam account and myAlpari.
To accept the Inventory on Steam account, taking into account the requirements of Section 5.2 of the Agreement, the User within 1 (one) hour from the date of receipt of the Inventory, click on the link "CLAIM", located in myAlpari directly in the description of the Inventory.
The User has the opportunity to transfer the received, but not accepted on the Steam account, the Inventory for the number of bonus points specified in the description of the Inventory in myAlpari, providing a discount on the license fee for Cases, where one bonus point provides a discount exclusively for the specified purposes (payment of the license fee). The Parties have agreed that said bonus points are not cash and are non-refundable and/or non-exchangeable.
In order to transfer the Inventory, the User shall, within 1 (one) hour from the moment of receipt of the Inventory, follow the corresponding link located in the Personal Area directly with the description of the Inventory. Inactivity of the User after 1 (one) hour from the moment of receipt of the Inventory means transfer of the Inventory received but not accepted on the Steam account.
When transferring the Inventory, bonus points received by the User are displayed in myAlpari.
For the right to use the Case provided by the Owner, the User pays a license fee in the amount specified on the Site and the corresponding page of the Case.
The license fee specified in clause 6.1 of the Agreement is paid by the User from the funds previously transferred to the Owner through the payment service, the information about which is available to the User at the time of payment. The amount of previously transferred funds is displayed in myAlpari.
The transfer of funds to the Owner for payment of the license fee specified in clause 6.1 of the Agreement is carried out by the User in the manner, method and according to the rules specified on the corresponding page of the Website, taking into account the features and requirements established by the corresponding payment service engaged by the Owner for settlements.
The moment of payment of the license fee specified in Section 6.1 of the Agreement is the moment of writing off the corresponding amount of funds previously transferred to the Owner, which is reported to the User by means of a corresponding change in the balance on the Personal Account.
Payment of the license fee specified in Section 6.1 of the Agreement in the manner provided for in this Section shall be made subject to the provision of Section 5.6 of the Agreement.
The User agrees to the Owner's processing of information, including the User's personal data, provided when using the Site, in particular the data specified in the User's Steam account.
Processing of personal data means recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, providing access), including cross-border, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data that do not belong to special categories requiring written consent of the User for processing in accordance with the current legislation.
Processing of personal data is carried out for the purposes of performance of the Parties' obligations under the Agreement, registration of the User on the Website, purchase of a license to use the Case, receipt of the Inventory, as well as sending information and other types of messages to the User's e-mail address.
The User has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending a corresponding written notice to the Owner at the address specified in Section 1.1 of the Agreement by registered mail with return receipt requested. The User understands that such revocation means termination of the Agreement. The Owner has the right to continue processing the User's personal data in cases provided for by law.
Additional or other provisions regarding the processing of personal data may be contained in a relevant document posted or to be posted on the Website. In case of contradiction between the provisions of such document and the provisions of this section, the provisions of the document shall apply.
The User consents to receive promotional materials from the Owner, its affiliates or other organizations on behalf of the Owner to the e-mail address specified by the User when registering for a Steam account. Consent to receive promotional materials may be withdrawn by the User at any time by sending a written notice to the Owner at the address specified in Section 1.1 of the Agreement, or by performing the actions specified in the messages (e-mails) containing such materials.
The Owner is not liable for losses incurred by the User as a result of unlawful actions of third parties, including unauthorized access to the Personal Account. The Owner is not liable for losses incurred by the User as a result of disclosure of account details required for access to the Personal Account through no fault of the Owner.
The Owner is not the owner of the items of the Inventory, does not determine the order of their use and functioning.
With respect to the Inventory, the User is governed by the Steam license agreement available at the time of this Agreement at The Owner does not provide software tools for direct use of the Inventory on the User's device. User shall independently purchase and/or install such software tools on its device.
The Site and its software tools, including the Personal Account and Cases, are provided "as is". User assumes the risk of using the Site. Owner, wireline and wireless carriers providing access to the Site, Owner's affiliates, suppliers and agents make no warranties with respect to the Site.
Owner does not warrant that the Site, Cases and Personal Area will meet User's requirements, that access to the Site, Cases and Personal Area will be uninterrupted, fast, reliable or error-free.
Software and hardware errors, both on the part of the Owner and the User, resulting in the impossibility of the User's access to the Site and/or Case, and/or Personal Area, shall be considered force majeure circumstances and shall be the basis for release from liability for failure to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Agreement.
The Owner has the right to assign rights and transfer debts under all obligations arising from the Agreement. The User hereby consents to assignment of rights and transfer of debts to any third parties. The Owner informs the User about the assignment of rights and/or transfer of debt by posting the relevant information on the Website.
The amount of damages that can be compensated by the Owner to the User is in any case limited to the amount of the User's first transaction.
The amount of damages that can be compensated by the Owner to the User is in any case limited to the amount of the User's first transaction. Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement, in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement, the Owner has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the Agreement and terminate the User's access to the Personal Account. If such violation has caused damage to third parties, the User is fully responsible.
All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination or invalidation of the Agreement, the Parties shall endeavor to resolve through negotiations. The Party having claims and/or disagreements shall send a message to the other Party specifying the arisen claims and/or disagreements in accordance with Section 9.1 of the Agreement.
If the reply to the message is not received by the Party that sent it within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of sending the respective message, or if the Parties have not reached an agreement on the arisen claims and/or disagreements, the dispute shall be resolved in court at the location of the Owner.
The Parties hereby confirm that when executing (amending, supplementing, terminating) the Agreement, as well as in correspondence on the above issues the use of analogues of the Parties' own signatures is allowed. The Parties confirm that all notices, communications, agreements and documents within the framework of fulfillment of obligations arising from the Agreement by the Parties, signed by analogues of the Parties' own signatures, shall have legal force and shall be binding on the Parties. The analogues of own signatures mean authorized e-mail addresses and data for entering the Personal Account.
The Parties acknowledge that all notices, messages, agreements, documents and letters sent using the authorized e-mail addresses and the Personal Account shall be deemed to have been sent and signed by the Parties, unless such letters expressly state otherwise.
Authorized e-mail addresses of the Parties shall be deemed to be:
The Parties undertake to ensure confidentiality of information and data required for access to authorized e-mail addresses and Personal Account, not to disclose such information and not to transfer it to third parties. The Parties shall independently determine the procedure for restricting access to such information.
When using the authorized e-mail addresses until the moment of receipt of information from the other Party about confidentiality violation, all actions and documents made and sent using the authorized e-mail address of the other Party, even if such actions and documents were made and sent by other persons, shall be deemed to have been made and sent by such other Party. In this case, the second Party shall have rights and obligations, as well as liability.
When using myAlpari, until the moment of receiving information from the User about breach of confidentiality, all actions and documents made and sent using myAlpari, even if such actions and documents were made and sent by other persons, are considered to have been made and sent by the User. In this case, the User has rights and obligations, as well as responsibility.
The Administration has the right to request documents to confirm identity, as well as confirmation that the payment account from which the payment was made, belongs to the User.
Inventory withdrawal is available only for the account from which the cases were opened.
The Service does not provide for the return of funds if they were fully or partially used on the site in any of its sections.
Changing the terms of the Agreement
The Owner has the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of the Agreement, with such changes coming into effect from the moment of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Internet at
Continued use of the Site functions means that the User agrees with the terms of the new version of the Agreement. If the User does not agree with the terms of the new version of the Agreement, he/she must stop using the Site.
In everything else that is not regulated by the Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Cyprus without taking into account its conflict of laws provisions.
This document is an integral part of the Terms of Use/User Agreement, which together constitute the agreement between you and
This Return Policy applies to the following purchases: Game Items (Skins), collectively referred to as "Products".
Our Products are digital content (virtual items), are not goods within the meaning of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, and due to their specific nature, they are not subject to the general consumer right of return.
By default, purchases will be refunded to the payment method used to make the purchase. Depending on the payment method, refunds may take up to 45 days. If your payment method does not support refunds, we will credit the refund amount to your balance.
You may request a refund or other assistance with using the service by contacting our support team at [email protected]. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your request.
The website is operated by LALIUS CO LTD company, registered under the laws of Republic of Cyprus, company registration number: HE 462975, having its address at: 3026, Limassol, Cyprus, Vasili Michallidi, 9.